The 1000-Eimerberg is the most impressive landmark of the town of Spitz. Around 1000 buckets (1 bucket corresponds to about 56 litres) of wine are said to be harvested from these slopes.
The 1000-Eimerberg rises directly at the banks of the Danube, and its front face is composed of the metamorphic rocks paragneiss and marble. Like gneiss, marble is a metamorphic rock, formed in the Wachau region during the Variscan Orogeny. The parent materials are carbonate rocks. Having a higher clay content, silicate marbles with a high mica content were formed from them.
The profile from the 1000-Eimerberg shows a marble Rendzina. The fine earth above the parent rock is by far the most humus-rich of all Wachau vineyard soils, and represents an essential water and nutrient reservoir for the very dry region.
The stratified silicate marble exhibits a calcite concentration of 80%, clear proof that carbonate rock was the parent rock before metamorphosis into silicate marble during the Variscan Orogeny.