All opening hours, addresses and contacts

Ab Hof

Holzweg  175
3602 Rossatz

Company information

The name Sigl was first mentioned 400 years ago in the chronicles of Rossatz. But only Heinz and Adrienne Sigl became serious about the rigorous pursuit of quality wines. From the very start, it was the couple’s aim to understand and to fully explore the potential of their terraces in Rossatz: they try to emphasise the freshness which is inherent in the wines from the Steiger terrace, the power and the juiciness of the wines from the Frauenweingärten, and aim to capture the mineral notes of the grapes from the Kirnberg in their bottles – regardless of whether they are Federspiel or Smaragd. Grüner Veltliner plays the major role in their range, Riesling makes up about a fifth of their overall produce, and the rest is made up of Muskateller, Sauvignon Blanc and some red varieties.   Heinz Sigl’s approach is informed by sustainability. His cellar philosophy, too, is impressive: some of his experiments could be taken straight from the past. He ferments spontaneously, uses big wooden barrels, and presses his grapes together with their stalks. The resulting wines are elegant and forceful, pleasing and lively, but also complex and durable. 


  • Fragrant light and refreshing with up to 11.5 Vol %.

    • Grüner Veltliner
  • Full of nuances and character with 11.5 to 12.5 Vol.%.

  • Internationally renowned top wines with optimum physiological ripeness over 12.5 Vol.%